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Romero Britto

Love In The Park


Edizione Limitato di 25 Esemplari



76 cm x 76 cm

Frame not Included

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Romero Britto - Love In The Park

'Love In The Park' is a title that summarizes the content of the piece. A loving couple running together in a park it's the symbol of the importance that love and nature have for Britto. In the background we also see a sunset over the sea, an nature element that is very important for the artist. As it is common in other works, here we see heart both on top of the couple and in their faces. This can be interpreted as the way in which Britto sees love inside people and how it manifests in the outside and fill up the world. Flowers, sea and sunset get together with the dancing bodies of the in love couple in a very suggestive serigraph presented on 2017 in a 25-piece limited edition.