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Romero Britto



Limited Edition of 180 Pieces



86,5 cm x 71 cm

Frame not Included

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Romero Britto - Dusk

Evocative work that represents the concept of dusk as an important moment in a person’s day for meditative introspection. The artist uses the cold colors and the expression of the person on the image to show the audience the peaceful moment here portrayed.

Some people think dusk is the darkest moment of twilight; that second just before night. Dusk is a transition; both death and rebirth. There are endless possibilities, the night is just about to begin. Its colors are memories of red sunsets and magical purples the starting night. Dusk is a fleeting moment, dreamlike only to those who are aware... the sounds become whispers and the suggestive light invites you to a moment for meditative introspection.

The limited edition digital serigraph with handmade embellishments, ‘Dusk’, is part of one of the series presented by Romeo Britto during 2017 in a 180-piece edition.